Sunday, December 25, 2011

What will really bring down the United States?

Just before Christmas, 2011, it was announced that the mission in Iraq was completed; that the mission was accomplished. I am not sure if the mission accomplished was finding weapons of mass destruction (they were never found) or if it was the setting up a long-term democracy in Iraq. Just weeks after the U.S. pullout in Iraq, the various political and religious factions in that country are fighting to such a degree that informed sources feel that Iraq is on the verge of a civil war. Surprise!!

In Afghanistan, we went after the perpetuators of the 9/11 World Trade Center assault. It took some 10 years to find and kill Osama Bin-Laden and the Taliban still roams the countryside spreading terror and destruction. The country and the government still live in a stone age society with a stone age mentality. The leaders of the country are stuffing their pockets with money while the countryside lives in abject poverty.

These wars cost the United States (and its allies) a trillion dollars and thousands of lives of those who served there. What has been gained? In the long run, we have gained nothing. If we let our guard down in the United States, they will strike again at targets in the United States. So learn to love the checks at the airport and security on every train station and subway.

What will really bring down the United States? Will it be the terrorists or will it be our own ineptitude and political bungling? If one studies ancient history, if can be seen that in the long term Rome was Rome's biggest enemy and not those from their far flung colonies. Should we start a new war based on the problems that can weaken and destroy the United States from within?

How about a war on ignorance? Our educational system is in shambles. Every day we hear how our children don't have a grip on math or science or geography or spelling or......! Many countries around the world excel in education, but instead of applying lessons that these countries have learned, we throw money at the problem. If Finland does so well in educating their children, shouldn't we incorporate their system into our educational system? No. We just talk and argue about it and blame the teachers or the principal or what ever and education continues to suffer. Why do we push students through the educational system when they have not learned the course work? How can we allow young people to drop out of school when they are deficient in the subjects at all levels? Those who drop out have a 25% chance of being in trouble with the law within one year. We have money for prisons but we do not have money and ideas to turn our children into educated adults who can hold a job and contribute to society. Let's have a war on ignorance.

How about a war on our outdated political system? Does this mean a violent overthrow of the government? No. It does mean that we need to get rid of the cradle-to-grave politicians who stay in office by getting large amounts of money from contributors and then passing legislation that is favorable to these donors. We need to make it illegal for politicians to unethically benefit from their tenure in office; obscenely high retirement benefits, health care in office far greater than the voters back home have, and lavish and unnecessary perks while in office. Monies earned from book deals should be turned over to charity, ex-politicians should not be allowed to become lobbyists....ever! Term limits need to be imposed so that those serving in office are actually there to serve the electorate and not just working to get re-elected. One 6-year term would be enough. Serve the 6-years in which you serve your real constituents, the voters, and then get out without a lavish pension. Is it possible that the U.S. Congress could do away with pork-barrel projects that do nothing to better our country but just waste the tax-payer's money? Why should bills be tied up in committee on merely partisan grounds and not on their long term benefits to the American people? The list is endless. Lets get back to government that serves the people and not the politician.

How about a war to make America competitive again? Our jobs flow out of the United States to countries that practice unfair trade and monetary policy when it comes to the USA. It is time that we impose a high tax on products produced by United States corporations located in other countries. We need to have a work force that is geared to the 21st. Century and not to the 19th. Century.

How about a war on our aging infrastructure? Our roads and bridges are in horrible shape. Water lines, gas lines and sewer lines are in need of upgrades and repairs. Public buildings, such as schools, are in need of repair, if not replacement. Water purification plants and sewage treatment plants need upgrades to meet the demand of larger populations. How about modern recycling plants instead of dumps (I'm sorry, sanitary landfills). How about modern electrical generation plants that do not spew pollution into the lungs of people, or cause acid rain and climate change. Many of these problems could be addressed by raising the gasoline tax to pay for the improvements. This gas tax would curtail consumption which would end wasteful driving in fuel inefficient vehicles. However, the American people might be their own worst enemy as they want improvements without any cost to them.

Many nations in history have risen and fallen as they wasted money on wars abroad and inefficient programs at home. At all levels of government today the keywords are partisanship and individual egos. The keywords should be cooperation and compromise for a better America. I began voting in 1964 and we are still discussing and debating the same problems and concerns that we had then: war, education, crime, drugs, the postal system, social security, and health care. Change has to come soon as time is running out. As the Chinese say, "A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.". It is time we take that first step and start walking together instead of trying to trip the guy who belongs to the other party!!

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